Change your mind? Abortion Pill Reversal Hotline

Accessible women's health services.

Sparrow Women’s Clinic offers free women’s health services and resources to Lansing, Leavenworth, and surrounding communities in eastern Kansas. These services include pregnancy testing, ultrasound and sonogram, pregnancy confirmation, options consultations, STI and STD testing, support groups, and more. Our professional medical staff is ready to help you find the best resources that Kansas has to offer.

Photo of Pregnancy Test
Pregnancy Testing

Think you might be pregnant? Let’s find out.

At Sparrow Women’s Clinic, our medical-grade pregnancy test is administered by licensed professionals. Our tests are 99% accurate and results are available within 3 to 5 minutes after testing a urine sample. Most doctors recommend you take a pregnancy test after your first missed period. A missed period is the most common sign that you might be pregnant. Other pregnancy symptoms may include:

Nausea and vomiting

Frequent urination

Unexplained fatigue

Lightheaded or dizziness

Food cravings or aversions

Sore, swollen, or itchy breasts

Spotting or cramping

Increased sense of smell

When you are sexually active, there is always the possibility of becoming pregnant regardless of whatever safety measures you may have taken. If your pregnancy test is positive, we can follow up with a pregnancy verification and a limited ultrasound. It is vital for you to verify your pregnancy before making any decisions. Our trained client advocates provide information and insight in a safe, friendly atmosphere where you can thoughtfully consider your options and plan for your future.

If your pregnancy test comes back positive, we can conduct a pregnancy verification to confirm a viable pregnancy. A viable pregnancy is a pregnancy that is “progressing normally with all laboratory, ultrasound, and physical findings indicating the positive likelihood of giving birth to a live baby.” (definition courtesy of We will assess pregnancy viability by determining the age of the baby and the heart rate. It’s also important that you know that the pregnancy is in your uterus and not ectopic (out of the uterus) before considering abortion. This is for your safety.

An ultrasound is a commonly used diagnostic procedure to show that you have a viable intrauterine pregnancy. When performing a limited ultrasound, our trained nurse sonographer will be looking for three things:

1. Fetal cardiac activity (a heartbeat)

2. How far along you are

3. Location of your pregnancy

Kansas law requires counseling and informed consent. Informed consent includes telling a woman of her right to see ultrasound images of her unborn child at least 30 minutes prior to an abortion and giving a list of providers for free ultrasound services at least 24 hours prior.

What are the different types of ultrasounds?

Ultrasound is a type of imaging technology that uses sound waves to create images. The sound waves bounce off of your baby’s tissues, fluids, and bones, and the transducer (or wand) then picks up these echos and translates them into the image of your baby on the screen. There are two types of ultrasounds:

The abdominal ultrasound is a standard procedure that uses a transducer over the abdomen to show the developing baby’s images.

A transvaginal ultrasound is designed to be used inside the vagina to generate sonogram images. This type is most generally used during the early stages of pregnancy.

Depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy, our nurse sonographer may choose to perform both types with your consent. At the time of your initial appointment, our nurse will determine if you are a candidate for an ultrasound. If not, one may be scheduled for another day.

Sparrow Women’s Clinic does not offer, recommend, or refer for abortions.

What are the different options for my pregnancy?

If pregnancy wasn’t in your plans, you may be ready to consider the different pregnancy options available to you. We are experts at the available options and assistance programs here in Kansas. Our Options Consultation is an educational immersion where you can learn facts to assist you in making your decision. Whatever emotions you may be experiencing, we are prepared to help you navigate the most difficult questions. You are not alone.

At Sparrow Women’s Clinic, our options education includes factual information on all three of the choices you have if you are pregnant. They include:

1) Abortion

2) Parenting

3) Adoption


Option 1: Abortion

You’re thinking, how did this happen to me? You never expected to be in a place where you had to make a choice regarding an unplanned pregnancy. “Choice” is the act of making a decision when faced with two or more possibilities. It is essential to understand all your options, including alternatives to abortion. Our job is to empower you with resources and the information you need to decide which pregnancy option is right for you.

Our client advocates share accurate information about the abortion procedure, associated risks, mental health impacts, and legality. There are two types of abortion available depending on how far along you are in your pregnancy:

1) Abortion Pill

2) In-clinic Surgical Abortion

Sparrow Women’s Clinic does not offer, recommend, or refer for abortions. However, we can help you determine how far along you are and share accurate information about abortion in a neutral environment —empowering you to make the best choice for you.


Option 2: Adoption

You had a plan; getting pregnant right now definitely was not part of it. Making an adoption plan can be a beautiful option to consider for your unplanned pregnancy. Sparrow Women’s Clinic provides free information about the adoption process. We offer personalized referrals to local adoption agencies who can provide detailed information on adoption. Developing an adoption plan may be the best option for you, and it could bring great joy to others in the process. When considering adoption, it’s important to remember the following:

You Are In Control. This is your choice and your journey.

You choose the forever family for your baby.

You choose the agency or organization to help with the adoption plan.

You choose whether it’s an open, closed, or partially open adoption and how much contact you have with your baby.


Option 3: Parenting

You have goals and dreams; parenting right now may not have been one of them. Your goals and dreams are still before you. The time frame may look a little different. Sparrow Women’s Clinic provides support and resources to prepare for your parenting journey with clarity and confidence. We’re here to help you flourish in your new role as a parent. We can help you with things like:

  • Assistance in applying for KanCare

  • Prenatal Vitamins

  • Educational classes on pregnancy, delivery, and infant care

  • On-site boutique with baby care items and clothing

  • Community Referrals

Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) or Infections (STIs) pose a severe risk to a woman’s reproductive and overall health, especially if left untreated. We test for common STI/STDs like Chlamydia and Gonorrhea with a simple urine sample. Results take several days to return to our office and our medical staff can provide a well-informed path forward based upon the results.

If you are considering getting an abortion because of a suspected STD, testing and treatment are critical.

Chlamydia, the most common STD in the United States, rarely has symptoms. Studies suggest that 70-95% of women and 90% of men who have chlamydia do not even realize they have it. Women who have an untreated STD (like chlamydia or gonorrhea) are up to 23% more likely to develop Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) following an abortion procedure. According to the Centers for Disease Control, one in four women between ages 14 and 19 in the United States is infected with at least one STD.

STDs affect women differently than men.

Men and women in the U.S. are diagnosed with sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) in about equal numbers, but they are not affected by STDs equally. Women are more likely than men to experience long-term health complications from untreated STDs, including infertility (the inability to have a baby). A pregnant woman can also pass an STD along to her baby during pregnancy or childbirth.

According to the Office on Women’s Health, women often have more serious health problems from STDs than men:

  • Chlamydia and gonorrhea, left untreated, raise the risk of chronic pelvic pain and life-threatening ectopic pregnancy. Chlamydia and gonorrhea also can cause infertility.

  • Untreated syphilis in pregnant women results in infant death up to 40% of cases.

  • Women have a higher risk than men of getting an STD during unprotected vaginal sex. Unprotected anal sex puts women at even more risk for getting a STD than unprotected vaginal sex.

How can you protect yourself from STDs?

  • Prevention through avoiding exposure is the best strategy for controlling the spread of sexually transmitted disease. The only way to be 100% confident of avoiding an STD infection is abstaining from sex or intimate physical contact, including oral sex.

  • If you choose to be sexually active, always ask your partner about their sexual history. Avoid sexual activity with anyone who has genital sores, a rash, discharge, or other symptoms.

  • Proper use of condoms with each act of sexual intercourse can reduce, but not eliminate, the risk of STDs. Use latex condoms every time you have sex. If you use a lubricant, make sure it is water-based. Use condoms for the entire sex act. Condoms are not 100% effective at preventing disease or pregnancy. However, they are extremely effective if used properly. They must be used consistently and correctly each time to reduce the risk of infection.

Post-Abortion Recovery Group

The Post-Abortion Recovery Group is a confidential program providing a private resource for those emotionally struggling following a past abortion experience. The Group is limited to four participants and two leaders, and will be held on Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. Dates will be determined once we have confirmed participants, and the course will meet for six sessions. Our compassionate leaders for this Group are carefully selected and have personally experienced an abortion or pregnancy loss themselves.

Pregnancy Loss Group

Our Pregnancy Loss Group is a compassionate, heartfelt small group for women who have experienced the overwhelming emotional burden of miscarriage, still birth, or neonatal death. The five session series meets Wednesday evenings from 6:30-8 p.m. at the Sparrow’s Nest. This Group is limited to four participants and is led by two individuals who have been carefully selected and experienced pregnancy loss themselves. Dates will be determined once we have confirmed participants. 

To learn more about the Support Groups at Sparrow Women’s Clinic, send us a message or give us a call.

We have so many classes for new and expectant moms and dads! Our extensive course catalog includes topics ranging from pregnancy to parenting, all the way through the toddler stage. We even have courses specifically for men, courses on couples communication, a car seat safety course, and so much more.

Plus, when you complete courses you are eligible for our “Earn & Learn” program, which allows you to earn Parents Points. You can use your Points to shop at the Sparrow’s Nest for baby merchandise. If you’re interested in enrolling in the “Earn & Learn” program, contact us today and we’ll get started. We can help you find courses on specific topics that are of interest to you.

Sexual trauma is defined as any lingering physical, emotional, or psychological symptoms resulting from a physical assault of a sexual nature, or battery of a sexual nature. If you believe you’re experiencing sexual trauma from a prior experience, please reach out to our compassionate staff and schedule a consultation. 

Different types of sexual assault, including but are not limited to the following:

  • Rape

  • Attempted rape

  • Fondling or unwanted sexual touching (which includes groping, kissing, etc.)

  • Forcing a victim to perform sexual acts

  • Unwanted sexual penetration (which could involve non-body parts or objects)

  • Sodomy (anal or oral sex) without consent

  • Sexual contact with minors, consensual or not

So You Think She Might Be Pregnant?

Discovering your girlfriend or partner is pregnant, whether planned or unplanned, can leave you with questions, fears, and uncertainties. Pregnancy is not just a women’s health issue. She is not alone, and neither are you. The man plays a vital role in the decision of whether or not to parent a child. Understanding your role and responsibility is critical. That’s why we have male coaches and programs specifically designed to help you understand your options as a man and what the next steps might look like.

A great first step is making an appointment at Sparrow Women’s Clinic for a FREE medical-grade pregnancy test administered by our licensed medical professionals. Our tests are 99% accurate and results are available within 3 to 5 minutes. If her test is positive, we can also provide her with verification of pregnancy and a limited ultrasound. It is vital to confirm her pregnancy before making any decisions. Our trained client advocate will provide information and insight in a safe, friendly atmosphere where you, as a couple, can thoughtfully consider your options and plan for your future.

We also offer a variety of courses just for men, ranging from pregnancy to parenting, communication styles and more!

Your first visit to Sparrow

Ready to visit Sparrow Women’s Clinic? Here’s what you need to know. We keep it simple, confidential, and professional.